• Attracta Chinedum Ezenwome is a pastor & servant of The Great I AM, with a PECULIAR MANDATE, which is demonstrated by,
    P - passionately
    E - enforcing
    C - the Cross
    U - until
    L - lives
    I - impoverished
    A - are
    R - restored to The Great I AM.
    Pastor Attracta is a visionary and Initiative leader who is touching, impacting and positively influencing many lives with her teachings which flows from her:
    *Passion for Christ
    *Compassion for humanity
    *Life Testimony
    Her faith in Jesus Christ and the Power of the Holy Spirit upon her is impeccable and compelling due to her uncompromising faith and trust in God the Creator and His Living Word.
    She has countless personal miraculous testimonies of what God has done in her own life.
    She is driven by the passion to see the finished work at the Cross by our Lord Jesus Christ manifest in the lives of people.
    “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me, Because the Lord has anointed Me To preach Good News to the Poor Isaiah 61:1”.
    The miracles that Christ has done in her life, makes her a genuine witness and a powerful instrument in the hands of the Lord Jesus Christ.
    As a living proof of God’s goodness she ministers with such, an anointing and fire that has caused many to receive their salvation, healing, deliverance, restoration, reconciliation to God through the Lord Jesus Christ.
    Under her tutelage & ministration many has discovered within them and put to use their gifts, talents and potential.
    The revelation of her Divine Purpose shown to her in a dream in 1985, her personal salvation story and the need for:
    - The mission of Christ to be made known,
    - The spread of the Good News of the Kingdom of God and
    - The enforcement of the finished work of the Cross. “Attracta Chinedum Ministries” (ACM) with a PECULIAR MADATE was birthed to raise Kingdom Ambassadors for Christ.
    She is driven with a passion to raise awareness for God’s original agenda, the mission of Christ, & His restoration plan for humanity as she ministers Biblical Truths and enforce the finished work of the cross through the preaching of the word and prayer.
    Attracta has a passionate & holistic approach to ministry, ensuring that those who come in contact with her not only get to know & experience the saving Power of God, but they also make a conscious decision to follow the Lord Jesus Christ, making Him their personal Lord & Saviour.
    She also has various initiatives running under her ministry:
    * The Great I AM Kingdom Ambassadors,
    * Birthing The Supernatural Way Ministry,
    * Women, Infants & Children’s (WIC) Foundation,
    * Women On The Frontline Ministries,
    * Beacons of Hope & Light Ministries,
    * Taking it To The Throne of God and Engaging the Holy Spirit Prayer Altar.
    These initiatives are a testament to her dedication to impact lives by shining forth the Light and showing forth the Love of Christ to her generation and her commitment to Christ and walk to accomplish God's divine purpose for her life.
    In addition to her commitment to serving God’s people in the Kingdom through her gift & anointing, Attracta is a faithful wife, a devoted mother of 2, a Mentor, a Life Coach and a Midwife Practitioner.