• Birthing takes place in two dimensions, in the physical and the spiritual realms, meaning: Physiological & Spiritual. For this to happen, there has to be a seed, a womb, preparation time and conception. There is no baby without conception just as, There is no Ministry/ Business or invention without conception. There is no conception without a seed, this seed could be a Word or a sperm. The uterus is a physical womb just as the mind is a spiritual womb. Conception then takes place in the uterus, or in the mind, where your baby or your dream / vision is conceived and carried. Both the Male & Female are designed to conceive. For you to conceive and birth the supernatural way all you need is a spiritual womb, (your mind). The fertilisation of the EGG by the SPERM starts a life cycle for your baby. The fertilisation of God’s WORD by the Holy Spirit starts a life cycle for your VISION / DREAM. When CONCEPTION has taken place in the womb or mind, the hormone Progesterone, or Prayer, helps to support and nurture that which has been conceived. As your baby, or your vision, matures and grows, it is very important to maintain an optimal level of progesterone, or prayer, to avoid miscarriage of your conception, (either your baby or your vision). Just as Consistent production of PROGESTERONE supplied to the WOMB, is of vital importance for the normal formation, development and progress naturally; So a consistent PRAYER, AN ATTITUDE of FAITH and a CONTINUAL RENEWAL OF THE MIND, is crucial for the spiritual development of your conception TO FULL MATURITY & OPTIMAL OUTCOME. Then the BIRTH or MANIFESTATION of what was conceived is birthed the physiological or supernatural way. When you conceive you become pregnant and you have an expectation for that which you were caring to manifest or be birthed. You also have an expectation and a hope you will be able to carry your conception and your baby or vision / dream to full Term or to maturity. When you are in that expectant state, you nurture your conception and remain focused, waiting patiently for your conception to form and grow to full maturity until birth occurs. For you to carry your conception to Full Term, you must have a desire to experience and see a live birth of your baby, as much as you desired to conceive the baby. Just as you trust the the ability of your body to keep the conception to full term and birth, so also you must have faith in the Holy Spirit to enables you to carry your vision/dream to full term and manifestation. Therefore we need Desire, Faith and Hope to carry our expectation to Full Term, The word declares "Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart" (Ps 37:4). For you to believe, be convinced and persuaded that something is growing inside of you, or that the visions you have conceived is coming to fruition, you have to have Faith. “Faith is the SUBSTANCE of things hoped for, the EVIDENCE of things not seen”(Hebrews 11:1). The whole process of birthing involves hope, expectation and waiting patiently because, "if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience." (Rom. 8:25), for its Manifestation.