• It crucial for us to know that Jesus Christ is the Light and there is a light in every soul. Some are brightly burning, some are flickering, some are snuffed out. At the time of our birth we were ushered into the world by Light. That Light is lamp to our feet and light to our path and we are to walk in this Light. As Beacons of Light and Hope, we are the Light of the world, called to seek out those whose Lights are snuffed out and give them Light. So that they can walk in the Light & Hope, who is the Lord Jesus Christ. As Beacons of Light & Hope, we hold up our lights for men to see. As beacons of Light & Hope in darkest times, we take our Light to the dark places in our community, and light it up. As beacons of Light & Hope, we seek out the deceived, the discouraged, the helpless, the impoverished, the lonely, the tired and confused; and hold up our light for them to see the way out of their darkness and be illuminated. As Beacons of Light & Hope, we are a people whose hearts are blazing with God's Love for His People. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden, we are the light of the world, holding up our Light for all to see and come out of darkness. (Matthew 5:14). The main aim of Beacons of Light & Hope Ministry is to bring Holistic Healing and Well being spiritually, physically, emotionally & economically to our community. This will be accomplished through various programs and activities specifically designed to help each individual rise above their challenges, hindrances, limitations, and confinements in order for them to receive healing and wholeness, accomplish their purpose and become fulfilled in their lives.